Monday, October 27, 2014

In the Gallery

I have a spot at The MidTown Gallery at Valley View Mall.  I have two paintings there now. I will be painting a lot more.  I want to continue my series of the three part format. 

Saturday, December 29, 2012

All that Glitters - The Art of Iridescence

Have a show at Frame Master Gallery in Allen, TX until Jan. 31, 2013.  Good way to start the new new year.  Had a wonderful opening reception on December 15th.  Sold one piece so far.  It is a two person show with my friend Kelly Bartlett ( who will be curating shows for the gallery in the future.  Very busy these days.

I love the series I am working on.  My current series is about working with a three part composition, on one canvas, making the three parts balanced and harmonious so that they are integral and work together as a complete painting.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Continuing the Series

Yesterday I finished this painting which is the third in my series experimenting with this composition.  It is a series exploring color relationships and balancing the composition. I don't know what it is about this composition that is so appealing to me.  I see it as an abstraction of a view from a high window.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

This is my newest painting. "The View II,"  I like this composition and am going to do a series based on this division of the canvas.  It is the second one I've done. The first one was "The Edge."

Saturday, March 31, 2012


Been in a few exhibitions in the past few months. "Edge" was in the Laura Moore Gallery exhibition titled "The Edge." I had 2 pieces in the Visual Art Guild of Frisco members show in February including "Love in Wonderland". Also in February I had 3 peices in the 8680 Gallery "RED" show, including "Red Divide". Also had a piece "Switch To" in the Plano Art Assoc. show, "What I Love About Texas." (Posted here.)

Finding Time

It is so hard to find time. I want to paint. I have great ideas. But life keeps getting in the way for the past few months. I am brimming over with the need to put brush to canvas. And so I will. I will. And soon.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I Paint When I Can

Started a part-time job the end of September. So, it is harder to find time and energy to do my art work, but I keep on keepin' on because I just have to. I don't like to work at night when the light isn't as good, but now that it is winter and dark so early,I have no choice if I want to get any work done. Feeling really anxious to get some paintings finished. One larger abstract that I started several months ago is coming along.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Water Mixable Oils

Just thought I'd try the water mixable oil paints because I can't really get what I want from acrylics because they dry so fast. Not sure if I like the WMO paints, but I started with a small landscape, "Miami Garden" posted here. I'll try them on a few other paintings, maybe a larger one, before I decide. I also need to try the Open Acrylics and see how I like those.

Now that I am working part-time again, I find I am again low on energy left to paint, and short on time. But I keep trudging on. Not getting any younger. Gotta do it now or never.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Black and White Drawings

I did these to enter a show in Frisco, TX at the Gallery 8680. Hadn't done any drawing in a while. I took pictures of plants on a table in my house and worked from those.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Working Small

I did these two pieces for a fundraiser show at the Plano Libraries. I really enjoyed working on these small pieces (they are 4" x 4" x 1.5"). One is a back view nude sitting on a tiled background, the other is more whimsical with a tree and night sky. I used a lot of metalic paint, so they don't photograph as well, but look great in person.