Sunday, January 23, 2011

Artist’s Statement:
I love color. I love to paint. I love the process. I am always excited to see what comes to the paper or canvas out of my original concept. Sometimes it is exactly as I had perceived it in my mind, and sometimes, especially with my abstracts, it evolves as I work. My greatest inspiration is nature, whether for a still life or landscape or abstract painting. From vibrant and vivid to soft and subdued; nature's colors and moods can be breathtaking. Most often, in my abstract works, I like to make the colors exciting, so they seem to vibrate off the canvas. I have always loved things that are shiny and metallic, so I often use those elements in my work.
I am also fascinated with the intricate patterns found in leaves, shells, flowers, rocks, and reflections in water. In abstracts, I am currently inspired by the fractals of nature, the controlled chaos that looks random but isn’t.
The challenge for me is usually to narrow it down and focus on one aspect in order to start a painting. Do I like the composition, or is it the texture of the subject, or the mood I am trying to create? Once I know what I am interested in portraying, I can begin.
When I am doing painterly realism, I usually work from photographs that I have taken. I try to frame the composition through the lens of the camera as I would like to paint it, but sometimes I use elements from more than one photo in the same painting, or I will crop part of the photo out of the painting.
I love it when someone sees something in a painting that I had not perceived or consciously intended. Naturally, my paintings are my interpretation of something I was inspired by, but, of course, the viewer brings his or her own perceptions to a work of art. It is always so interesting to hear what others see and feel when looking at one of my paintings.
Education: Bachelor of Fine Art, University of Tulsa, 1981.
Professional: Assistant Director, Gloria Luria Fine Art Gallery, Bay Harbor Island, FL 1987-1990
I had to miss the TVAA New Members Exhibit on Jan. 9th at the Gallery at Plaza of the Americas in downtown Dallas because it sleeted, snowed and froze, and I did not want to be on the streets. Sure hated to miss it, but since I was nearly killed last year at this time due to sliding on black ice and then was laid up for 3 months, I don't take chances in an auto during bad weather any more. I had three pieces in the show and was looking forward to meeting the other artists at the reception.