Saturday, August 21, 2010

Time is Precious

Time. I have never had enough of it, and it passes by faster every day. So much of life is behind me now. I feel an urgency to do so many things I've neglected because "I didn't have the time." Probably it was a combination of things. Not enough energy, not enough money, not enough knowledge, not a priority.....and probably a lot of excuses because I thought eventually I'd get around to it, I'd have time someday. Someday never comes. I feel a surge of inspiration, a need to paint, a drive to create and still life gets in the way. So, I am going to concentrate on priorities. No one is going to make this happen but me.

It has been a challenging week. But I have made progress and I am grateful for the friends that keep me sane and help me focus. "You have to make yourself a priority," they tell me. And they are right. Too much involvement in community groups, church committees, and other distractions. My work there is done, and I am ready to move on. I feel a change coming.

For me, it is hard to believe
that this yearning, passion,
this fear and pain,
this longing and love,
could all just be chemical,
a biological process.
This can’t be what it’s all about.
The infinity of space,
the power of the sun,
the rain drops that fall
must be for some intention
not an accident of collision
or combination of elements
or lack thereof.
The vastness of oceans,
the diversity of life
the dependency of one upon another;
there must be something hoping,
that we will finally understand,
to live in balance
is reason enough.

Linda Brooks Alred

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