Saturday, July 24, 2010

My Journey Back to Art

I finally did go back to college, after my husband was killed, and I eventually got my BFA (took me 10 years from start to finish with a lot of time outs.) I remarried (after 5 years) and by the time I got my degree I was working full time again. Sooooo......I didn't do much art. But I did manage to have a solo show in a small gallery in Florida the year before my divorce. Then,....had to go back to work full time, still no time for art. I did write poetry during that time though. I always managed to find a creative outlet of some kind. For 3 years I was assistant director of a high-end art gallery near Bal Harbor, FL. That was the job I loved best, but the salary was too low to live on after my divorce.

Now I am retired, and my creative juices are flowing again. It is a wonderful feeling.

I am really into abstracts now. This is the first time I've ever been inspired to develop a body of abstract work, with a clear idea in mind for a series. I love color. I love to make it pop. I love patterns, and am inspired by the complex patterns in nature that seem random but are actually organized chaos. I am so enjoying the freedom in the process with these paintings. I just let it flow, and see what develops. It is very different than when I was doing painterly realism and being so precise. With the abstracts I can just start and see where it goes.

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