Thursday, December 9, 2010

Self Portrait

My self portrait was accepted in the TVAA Self Portrait show starting Jan. 10 at the Collin College Arts Gallery.

Linda Brooks Alred
“Self Portrait – Reverie on Key Biscayne”
21” x 21” Framed
Mixed Media (Watercolor, Oil Pastel, Papers, Photo)

The photo in this piece was taken on my 4th floor balcony when I was living in Miami, Florida on Key Biscayne in 1986, as I sat peacefully basking in the bright, morning sunlight. When I came across the photo a few months ago, I wondered what I was thinking at that moment, and decided to compose a piece around what I believe I was feeling and thinking at that point in my life. It is about the flow of life, merrily by, and realizing how much of it is behind you. It is about how, at times, what is real and true in life can be blurred in our perceptions. It is about looking for meaning, longing to find your purpose, and how to begin the next phase of your life.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Artist's Statement

I am always excited to see what comes to the canvas out of my original concept. Sometimes it is exactly as I had perceived it in my mind, and sometimes, especially with my abstracts, it evolves as I work. My greatest inspiration is nature, whether for a still life or landscape, abstract painting or collage. I use the colors in nature, from vibrant and vivid to soft and subdued; either can be breathtaking. Most often, I like to make the colors exciting, so they seem to vibrate off the canvas. I am also fascinated with the intricate patterns found in leaves, shells, flowers, rocks, and reflections in water. In abstracts, I have recently been inspired by the fractals of nature, the controlled chaos that looks random but isn’t.

The challenge for me is usually to narrow it down and focus on one aspect in order to start a painting. Do I like the composition, or is it the texture of the subject, or the mood I am trying to create? Once I know what I am interested in portraying, I can begin.

I love it when someone sees something in a painting that I had not perceived or consciously intended. Naturally, my paintings are my interpretation of something I was inspired by, but, of course, the viewer brings his or her own perceptions to a work of art. It is always so interesting to hear what others see and feel when looking at one of my paintings.

Education: Bachelor of Fine Art, University of Tulsa, 1981.
Professional: Assistant Director, Gloria Luria Fine Art Gallery, Bay Harbor Island, FL 1987-1990
Exhibitions: University of Tulsa, Special Recognition in Painting, 1974
Key Biscayne Arts, Key Biscayne, FL - One Person Show, 1987
Bakehouse Art Center, Miami, FL – Group Show 1988
WCA (Women’s Caucus for Art), Miami, FL – Group Show 1989
Blue House, Too, Watters Creek, Allen, Texas – Cooperative Gallery, 2010

Work in Private Collections:
Southwestern Payroll Service, Inc., Tulsa, OK
Daylight Donuts, Inc., Tulsa, OK
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip W. Brooks, Atlanta, GA.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Belcher, Allen,Tx
Mrs. Monica Theis, Austin, TX
Mr. and Mrs. Humberto Sevilla, Miami, FL
Ms. Claire Garrett, Hollywood, FL
Mr. and Mrs. David Weinstein, Houston, TX
Ms. Caroline Wall, Tulsa, Ok
Mrs. Andrea Davis, Rockwall, TX

I have been busy with the Visual Arts League of Allen gallery at Watters Creek and with my exhibition at Horizon Unitarian Church and the upcoming exhibition at Blue House Gallery in Allen. Plus, life got in the way for a while. Spent time with family which I enjoyed very much.

At the Watters Creek gallery last night we had a special event featuring the international artist, Kat, - - who does wonderful paintings related to music, musicians and musical instruments. She worked on one of her paintings in the gallery. Watching another artist work is an experience I always enjoy and learn from.

A few weeks ago we had the "Interactive Art Experience" with artist, Kelly Bartlett, who offers a collaborative experience with clients who can choose colors and make marks on paper which she then turns into a unique composition which she completes.

Sally Meding has been making and selling her fabulous woven bead jewelry on special evenings in the gallery, and has branched out to woven beading for christmas ornaments which are unique and beautiful.

I can't wait to get back to my own work.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

It has been too long

I can't believe how long it has been since I've posted to my blog. But it has been time well spent. I finished enough work to have a show at Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church in Carrollton, and I have a show in November at the Blue House Gallery in Allen.

I have been exploring abstracts which I had never previously done a lot of, and I have been doing collage which I had also not done much of. I find it very fulfilling and engrossing to do both of these.

Also have done a couple of landscapes and find I much prefer the abstract. It is just more fun to work freely, rather than interpret from a photo or sketch.

But, I will continue to do both. Representational work sells a lot better in this area and the kinds of places where I am now shown, than the abstract work does.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

This has been a good day. All afternoon I was hearing that Black Eyed Peas song "It's gonna be a good day" in my head. An opportunity came my way to place three pieces of art in a Million dollar home in a gated community to be viewed (and possibly sold) during an event that is taking place there. I got a lead on a part-time job, which I would like to have. I finished two collages that I was working on and I like them. I had a nice dinner with my best friend of 37 years. I found two table top easels that I needed for $5 each at Big Lots. Yes, it has been a good day.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Time is Precious

Time. I have never had enough of it, and it passes by faster every day. So much of life is behind me now. I feel an urgency to do so many things I've neglected because "I didn't have the time." Probably it was a combination of things. Not enough energy, not enough money, not enough knowledge, not a priority.....and probably a lot of excuses because I thought eventually I'd get around to it, I'd have time someday. Someday never comes. I feel a surge of inspiration, a need to paint, a drive to create and still life gets in the way. So, I am going to concentrate on priorities. No one is going to make this happen but me.

It has been a challenging week. But I have made progress and I am grateful for the friends that keep me sane and help me focus. "You have to make yourself a priority," they tell me. And they are right. Too much involvement in community groups, church committees, and other distractions. My work there is done, and I am ready to move on. I feel a change coming.

For me, it is hard to believe
that this yearning, passion,
this fear and pain,
this longing and love,
could all just be chemical,
a biological process.
This can’t be what it’s all about.
The infinity of space,
the power of the sun,
the rain drops that fall
must be for some intention
not an accident of collision
or combination of elements
or lack thereof.
The vastness of oceans,
the diversity of life
the dependency of one upon another;
there must be something hoping,
that we will finally understand,
to live in balance
is reason enough.

Linda Brooks Alred

Monday, August 2, 2010

Express Yourself Artistically - Meetup Group

Saturday I attended a meetup workshop on painting to music. We had fun painting and drawing, and watched a clip about Van Gogh set to the music of "Vincent." It was very touching. We were asked to write something after viewing it.

Homage to Vincent's Painting

How small am I
here, below this sky
and yet,
my world is large
and full.

How vast, how infinite
the starry sky
and yet,
no more able to contain my wonder
and love of life
than my own small heart.

For all you gave to us,
I wish you had not suffered.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Worked in the gallery tonight and finished my painting, I think. Can't wait to start a new one. I am really enjoying these abstracts I'm doing. Just so much fun! I love to work with color. And random patterns.

Earlier today met with a group of artist/creative people and painted to music to try to express graphically the feeling the music evokes. There were 9 of us. Each of us approached the pieces differently and none of the pieces looked anything alike. Funny how different were the emotions each felt and expressed when the music played was Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata."

Monday, July 26, 2010

My 9 year old grandson did a wonderful drawing today. I am going to frame it tomorrow. I set up a still life for him to draw and he amazed me. His drawing is charming, colorful and whimsical looking. He has such an uninhibited way of drawing.

I worked a little bit on my painting while he was drawing, and then we went swimming at the natatorium.

I just can't wait to start a new painting. I have many ideas floating around in my head.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

I am grateful.

I am grateful that I have two wonderful grandsons who come from Oklahoma to stay with me a week each in the summer. They are very different from each other, and I enjoy them each differently. Last week I did many things with the oldest (14), one of which was painting, and he did a wonderful acrylic on canvas flower design. This week I will have fun with the other grandson (9), and I hope he will do some drawings. He did some last year that were charming.

I am raring to go to work on my newest painting which I started two weeks ago, but also happy to get to be a grandmother. I don't get to do that with my other two grandchildren who live in Florida. I'm glad I have the opportunity to get to know the boys and them to know me. That is easier to do when you have them one on one at your own house instead of just visiting them at their home when their parents are around. As every grandparent knows, the grandkids behave much differently when it is just them and me.

So, looking forward to passing some creativity time with my grandson tomorrow.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Poems Can Save You

He Painted Her

Her pale blue gaze washes over me
But I cannot fully see her,
I cannot see all of her,
I cannot see into her.
What is it that she will not reveal to him?
What does she know about me?
I crave her, too. Almost more than him.
Only to know her soul is all.
I could look at her forever
and still not know
why she is so compelling.
She is plain, or subtle. She is ambiguous.
Yet, he did not stay with her, nor did I.
Another, more solid, more colorful
drew him away.
He painted her, too.

Linda Brooks Alred

My Journey Back to Art

I finally did go back to college, after my husband was killed, and I eventually got my BFA (took me 10 years from start to finish with a lot of time outs.) I remarried (after 5 years) and by the time I got my degree I was working full time again. Sooooo......I didn't do much art. But I did manage to have a solo show in a small gallery in Florida the year before my divorce. Then,....had to go back to work full time, still no time for art. I did write poetry during that time though. I always managed to find a creative outlet of some kind. For 3 years I was assistant director of a high-end art gallery near Bal Harbor, FL. That was the job I loved best, but the salary was too low to live on after my divorce.

Now I am retired, and my creative juices are flowing again. It is a wonderful feeling.

I am really into abstracts now. This is the first time I've ever been inspired to develop a body of abstract work, with a clear idea in mind for a series. I love color. I love to make it pop. I love patterns, and am inspired by the complex patterns in nature that seem random but are actually organized chaos. I am so enjoying the freedom in the process with these paintings. I just let it flow, and see what develops. It is very different than when I was doing painterly realism and being so precise. With the abstracts I can just start and see where it goes.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Why Blog?

I was sitting in Borders Bookstore, in the coffee shop, browsing through art magazines. This is someting I have rarely done, but was visiting my hometown with some spare time, when I decided to look at a magazine about blogging, specifically about art and creativity blogging. I looked up and saw a picture on the wall featuring a red umbrella. For some reason that was like a message telling me I needed to start a blog for myself. Just because I liked the image of the red umbrella? Well, why not. It was red. I love color. I use red whenever I can in my paintings. It was inspiring. But, probably what really made me want to do it was reading the blogs in that magazine. The bloggers talked about being in touch with other creative people, how sharing your ideas and thoughts and creations with others can lead to great creative inspirations, and online friendships.

Frankly, I need a kick in the butt sometimes. I thought this might give me that push to put on paper or canvas the creative ideas I get from time to time and then let go without doing anything. I have been feeling such a strong creative urge, something I had not felt for a long time, for whatever reason, like just too much stuff to deal with. But, recently I found myself involved in a group for local artists and supporters of the visual arts, and being exposed to the art of others, which is probably why my creative juices began to stir.

I love to paint. I was headed toward the path of pursuing some kind of creative career my first year of college, then I got a summer job, liked the money and didn't go back. When I met the love of my life, I decided to get married and raise kids, and found I just couldn't do that and art, too. I wonder how other people do it. I just didn't have time. I didn't have the space in my house. I didn't have the energy after working all day and taking care of two kids in the evening. I would fall into bed late at night and drag myself out the next morning just to get dressed, drag the kids to day care, go to work and do it all over again.

Then my husband was killed, and I was the breadwinner, sole parent support, for my kids. I tried a few times to get back into art, and struggled with it. Then I decided to enroll in art school at the university, and I had a couple of years of wonderful creativity, with other creative people, that fed my soul. But, too soon, had to go back to full time work. Three years later I remarried, and found myself back in the rut of no time, no place, no energy.

Now, many years later, single, retired and financially unstable, I have gravitated back to where I was headed as a young woman. Trying to feed my soul with art, among other things. Other things, like good old friends, my Unitarian Universalist church friends, and my new art group friends. I am going to try harder this time to do what I love and hope for the best.